Maureen St. Germain

Maureen St. Germain leads workshops in personal development and spiritual awakening. As a seeker she shares the knowledge she has gained from 25 years of study in ancient truths. Personally trained as a Certified Flower of Life Facilitator by Drunvalo Melchizedek in 1995, Maureen has taught thousands in her Flower of Life and Advanced Flower of Life workshops.
Maureen is insightful, compassionate, intuitive and funny. She has been producing CDs, leading workshops and "Sacred Journey" tours since 1994. Her primary focus has been teaching the MerKaBa Meditation in workshops worldwide and she has developed countless tools to support individuals in their personal development and spiritual awakening. Maureen's CDs, workshops and seminars are in demand all over the world.
Offered by Maureen for over 14 years, the Flower of Life and Advanced Flower of Life Workshops fuel the explosive growth of knowledge she has developed on this subject. Maureen's students and clients represent and reflect her global presence in America, Canada, Australia and Japan as well as Bulgaria, Spain, France and Egypt.